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제16회 국제 베토벤 피아노 콩쿠르의 모든 수상자 여러분 축하합니다!
제16회 국제 베토벤 피아노 콩쿠르의 모든 수상자 여러분 축하합니다!

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Paul Badura Skoda dies in his 92nd year
Keeper of the Viennese sound
For more than 60 years, Paul Badura Skoda has been one of the great international pianists. His interpretations of Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert are legendary. A guardian of the Viennese sound, a collector of old instruments and an enthusiastic teacher for his students.

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Happy Birthday Ludwig Bösendorfer
How Progress Became Tradition!

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Journal: Progress & Tradition
Many things involve time.
It is one of those long-awaited spring days, Roland, my friend and a Bösendorfer employee, is sitting silently behind the wheel of the car while I peer out the window. These buildings in downtown Vienna are passing us by – we are not far from Vienna’s Ringstrasse.

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André Previn
Remembering a Natural Musical Talent
Shortly before his 90th birthday André Previn died in his New York home. An exceptional artist, pianist, composer and conductor who playfully linked the two worlds of popular and classical music.

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Bösendorfer Journal: The Journey Begins
A Picture is worth more than a Thousands Words
Much falls into oblivion over the years, and the more time passes, the more difficult it becomes to remember. The further stories took place in the past, the more they are reduced to their essence, limited to numbers, dates and facts.

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