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제16회 국제 베토벤 피아노 콩쿠르의 모든 수상자 여러분 축하합니다!
제16회 국제 베토벤 피아노 콩쿠르의 모든 수상자 여러분 축하합니다!

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Ignaz Bösendorfer – 160th Anniversary of the Death of a Unique Entrepreneur
With a great understanding of music, exceptionally good technical aptitude and uncompromising attention to quality, Ignaz Bösendorfer created something very special: He built grand pianos that not only stood up to the new, powerful playing of pianists such as Liszt, they also inspired composers and audiences alike with their sound.

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Happy Birthday Ludwig Bösendorfer
How Progress Became Tradition!

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André Previn
Remembering a Natural Musical Talent
Shortly before his 90th birthday André Previn died in his New York home. An exceptional artist, pianist, composer and conductor who playfully linked the two worlds of popular and classical music.

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The Bösendorfer Journal
The Bösendorfer Journal - starting January 23
Extraordinary, everyday, personal - stories, not only from our rich history, but also from our present with a pinch of future. In search of two exceptional master craftsmen who conquered Europe and later the whole world with the Viennese sound.

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Ignaz Bösendorfer: A Life for the Piano
Born 225 year ago
The development from the harpsichord to the concert grand piano was a long way, trodden by piano makers, who often had an exchange with the great pianists of their time. One of them was Ignaz Bösendorfer, whose company still exists today and stands like no other for the tradition of Viennese piano making.

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