Bösendorfer Service Center
Whether it is maintenance of your Bösendorfer instrument, tuning for concerts, renting for events, viewing an older instrument to assess its value, or requests for spare parts, our Service Center in Vienna's 10th district will be happy to take care of your requests.
Rudolf Plank | Head of Service
+43 1 505 29 48 125
Bettina Gruber | Service Administration
+43 1 505 29 48 127
Bösendorfer Service Center
Schleiergasse 20
1100 Wien
Your instrument in good hands
Uncompromising quality requires technically experienced service. It takes up to 12 years for a Bösendorfer technician to be fully trained for concert service. Over the years, personal craftsmanship is honed and knowledge is expanded through intensive training. A Bösendorfer instrument can sound brilliant for more than a generation if it is serviced professionally and regularly. Listening pleasure is therefore guaranteed.
Original Restauration
Often it is not only the sound that connects owners with their instrument, but also time forges a very special bond with your Bösendorfer. Thanks to meticulous documentation, every Bösendorfer grand piano from 1900 onwards with an English action can be restored true to the original with original spare parts and materials and can be brought back to life even after damage. An investment for more than one generation.
Your Bösendorfer Grand Event
Special occasions require exceptional instruments. Whether it is for your own concert, wedding or festival - we will support you with the perfect sound frame. Concert Grands, Grand Pianos or Cembalos are at disposal within our rental fleet, ready to shine at your event. Our service team will take care of transport and arrangement, voicing and tuning before the event. All you have to do? Celebrate.

Piano Key Cleaning
Our best recommendation for keeping piano keys clean is to have anyone who is planning to play the piano wash and sanitise the hands in advance. For extra precaution use an over the counter, light solution of hydrogen peroxide of maximum 3%, which is available in any pharmacy. Dampen a pad with the hydrogen peroxide and use the pad to wipe down the piano keys. Do not reuse the pad. Always follow up with a dry pad or soft cloth. Never leave liquids on the keys.