Raymond Young (Hong Kong)

Raymond Young is the first Bösendorfer Artist from Hong Kong to be celebrated by the press as a pianist with "imagination and romance in his pianistic playing", exquisite tone, interpretative insights and deep communicative power".

Hailed by the press as a pianist with ‘imagination and romance in his poetry’, ‘exquisite tone, interpretative insights and deep communicative powers’, Raymond Young won the First-prize Medal and Silver Medal at The International Piano Competition in Rome, Italy; and was honoured at the Braunschweig Classix Festival in Germany with the ‘Förderpreis’. The first Bösendorfer artist from Hong Kong, his numerous concerts and masterclass spread throughout Asia, Europe and North America over the years have won him great acclaim for his refined musicianship and artistry.

Mr. Young has been appointed as a Professor at ‘Wiener MusikSeminar’, Guest Professor of The Hainan University and Sichuan University of Culture and Arts, and on the piano faculty of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Recognized as one of the most respected educators, many of his students have won awards in numerous competitions, and furthered their musical studies at leading music schools in Europe, United States and Australia.

Being a sought-after adjudicator, he has been invited to serve as the Chairman of Trial Jury in China for the Hong Kong – International Piano Open Competition, Head Juror for The Hong Kong Students Open Music Competition, and has been on the judge panel at many international competitions. Mr. Young is also appointed as an examiner for the Yamaha Music Foundation, Artistic Consultant of Hong Kong International Musician Association and Honorary Advisor of Global International Musicians Association.

As the first pianist from Hong Kong to be awarded the highest scholarship by the Austrian Government, Mr. Young graduated with Double Master of Arts degrees in performance and vocal accompaniment, and a Diploma in piano pedagogy from the prestigious University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. On account of his achievements and numerous recommendations, he was also granted the Austrian citizenship. He has benefited from such masters as Joseph Banowetz (a student of Clara Schumann’s disciple); Paul Badura-Skoda (an authority of the Classical Viennese style); Walter Fleischmann (a fifth generation student of Beethoven and third generation student of Franz Liszt); David Lutz and Norman Shetler.