Current Events & News
Journal: Juries in Competition
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When Skill Is the Deciding Factor
The world premiere of the Juries in Competition piano competition took place at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg. Between February 5 and 14, four juries delivered their verdicts—three expert juries composed of accomplished people in the piano world, complemented by an audience jury.
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Album Neuerscheinung: Babayan - Trifonov
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Rachmaninoff for Two
"Eine Apotheose des Klavierduos"
- Rondo Magazin
"Das eingespielte Duo zeigt einmal mehr, dass sie mit zwei Klavieren ein unglaublich breites Farbspektrum schaffen können, in dem man sich beim Hören verliert. Auf ihrem neuen Album treiben sie sich gegenseitig an und strahlen nur so vor Virtuosität, bevor sie im nächsten Moment taumelnd über die Tasten schweben."
- Helene Conrad, NDR Kultur
- Rondo Magazin
"Das eingespielte Duo zeigt einmal mehr, dass sie mit zwei Klavieren ein unglaublich breites Farbspektrum schaffen können, in dem man sich beim Hören verliert. Auf ihrem neuen Album treiben sie sich gegenseitig an und strahlen nur so vor Virtuosität, bevor sie im nächsten Moment taumelnd über die Tasten schweben."
- Helene Conrad, NDR Kultur
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Journal: Klimt's Enchanted Garden
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A Homage to the World Artist Gustav Klimt
Klimt's The Tree of Life frieze in the dining hall of the Stoclet Palace in Brussels is a seminal work from his “Golden Period” and is still considered the high point of his artistic development. For this monumental frieze he produced equally impressive full-scale preliminary drawings. Revised several times, the drawings even contain Klimt’s own handwritten notes. Totally unique, they are now considered works of comparable artistic merit to the frieze itself, and are on permanent display at the MAK (Museum of Applied Arts) in Vienna. Klimt’s frieze symbolizes the cycle of life, and how all forms of matter interrelate and influence one another.
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CD-Präsentation: Jasmine Choi & Hugh Sung
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Brahms - Schumann - Reinecke
Man kann leicht feststellen, dass die meisten bekannten Komponisten der Romantik nicht viel für die Flöte komponiert haben. Um diese traurige Tatsache als Flötistin zu lindern, spiele ich seit meiner Jugend Werke aus der Romantik, die für andere Instrumente geschrieben wurden und von denen viele mittlerweile zum Standardrepertoire für Flöte gehören.
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16th International Beethoven Piano Competition Vienna 2021
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16th International Beethoven Piano Competiton<br />
Vienna 2021
Beethoven Piano Competition's Hybrid Approach Sets New Standards
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CD Presentation: Jasmine Choi & Hugh Sung
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Brahms - Schumann - Reinecke
One might easily realize that most of the well-known composers of the romantic era had not composed much for the flute. To ease the sadness as a flutist, I've been performing works from the Romantic era written for other instruments since my teenage years and many of which are now considered as standard flute repertoire.
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Review Valentina Lisitsa - Tschaikowsky
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For the 125th anniversary of Tchaikovsky’s death, Valentina Lisitsa presents the complete works for solo piano by Tchaikovsky. The duets were recorded with her husband and duet partner Alexei Kuznetsoff. Some of the works have just recently been rediscovered and were never recorded before.
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CD Presentation: Maki Nemekawa
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Philip Glass - Piano Sonata
"I had written a sonata for violin and piano, but never just for piano. I thought I wanted a piece about a half-hour long, in other words I wanted to give Maki a substantial piece for her program, and something she would work on herself, and be able to use her talents and energy in a way that was personally made for her." Philip Glass
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Journal: The Journey Begins
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A Picture is worth more than a Thousands Words
Much falls into oblivion over the years, and the more time passes, the more difficult it becomes to remember. The further stories took place in the past, the more they are reduced to their essence, limited to numbers, dates and facts.
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